You Missed the Deadline for Submission! Now What?

So you’re applying to ten schools, no make that fifteen, no make that twenty, and you’ve made a spreadsheet, and consider yourself an organized, diligent student who would never, in a million years, miss an application deadline. Why would you? You’ve spent four years working hard, and preparing for that moment when you move your pointer over the “SUBMIT” button, and click with confidence. 

Except there’s a number of valid reasons why you may miss a deadline. Perhaps a university portal crashed, maybe a serious personal issue took over your life on December 31st (no, New Years Eve parties don’t count), or maybe it was a glitch in the matrix. Whatever the reason is for being late, you still want to submit, and in many cases you can. Even though it’s not ideal, as long as you have a back-up plan just in case you miss the cutoff, there are steps you can take to mitigate the fallout. Here are some things to consider if you miss your school’s application deadline.

Contact the Admissions Office

Even before worrying, you should reach out to the admissions office (AO). You have to understand that every university in the world wants as many applicants as possible. Not only do they want the application fees, they also want the best possible pool of candidates they can attract. They don’t achieve that goal without making allowances for those students who may not be able to submit before the deadline. 

Better Late Than Never

Don’t give up because you missed the deadline. While the admissions offices are swamped with requests in the week after the deadline, they are, for the most part, very good at returning your email inquiry. Make sure you have the right email address, and write an honest extension request, and remind them how enthusiastic you are about attending their school . DO NOT ask for more than a week, as they will most likely reject that offer given that you’ve had, in their estimation, plenty of time to get your application in. 

Let the AO know Where You Are in the Application

Don’t forget to let the admissions office know where you are in your application if you’re going to miss a deadline. Chances are they don’t want half-finished applications, they want the whole thing. So let them know when you’re ready to submit. It’s also a good idea to explain why an extension is so important to you by referring to specific aspects of the university that you’re excited about.

Think About Revising Your College List

When it’s too late, or if the college rejects your request for an extension, it’s time to rethink your college choices. In the United States alone, there are approximately 3,000 colleges and universities. Rolling admissions are available at many of them, so don’t be discouraged if you miss the deadline of your top choice. Several schools also have late January-early February application deadlines! The reason you’re in this situation is most likely due to lack of research, do get after it! The internet has made this way too easy for you!

Check out a list of colleges with later deadlines and admissions here!

VPN’s Can Be the AppSaver Hack in Some Cases

Only use this next solution if you’re in danger of missing the deadline by less than 24 hours. Consider using a VPN. Many schools track the time of your submission through your IP address. So if you’re not going to make the deadline for UC’s and you live on the east coast of the United States, use a VPN to get an IP address in Los Angeles, and you’ll make it. It doesn’t work all the time, and if the university is diligent, it may backfire, but it has worked in the past. 

Submit Your Application Anyway

If all else fails, submit your application anyway! Colleges and Admissions Officers understand that things happen, and ultimately they are looking for strong students who will improve their community and campus. The reality is that Admissions Officers are looking for reasons to admit you into their campus and they will always pick a stronger candidate over a weak one that was timely with their application. 

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare…Leave Nothing to Chance

The best way to avoid missing a deadline is to have an application that fully represents you and your academic and extracurricular accomplishments ready to go well before the submission date. Before submitting your application, you should consider getting a video review from With a combined 25 years of college admissions experience, the consultants at RateMyApp are here to help you submit the best app possible. Be sure to get your review early, and you’ll never miss a deadline again.

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